Cookie/Fall Sale Rewards

Use your Cookie/Fall Sales Rewards to Pay for Camp!

Diablo Day Camp will reimburse registration fees for valid cookie/fall sale rewards.

  • You must pay your full registration fee
  • Reimbursement will be made no later than September 30th

To redeem cookie/fall sales rewards for camp fees, email including:

  • a photo of the back of the rewards card showing the 19 digit number
  • Camper’s full name, Parent’s full name, address and $ (dollar) amount of rewards being requested.

Girl Scouts Dollar-for-Dollar camp matching funds

Girl Scouts who are eligible for a dollar-for-dollar match by GSNorCal can redeem rewards toward camp. For example, if a girl redeems $100 worth of reward card funds to pay for camp, GSNorCal will contribute an additional $100 toward her balance. Diablo Day Camp will reimburse camper families for their reward card value plus the match value after camp closes for the season.

Just add this to your email:

  • I earned Dollar-for-Dollar Camp Match and would like to use it to double the amount on my Reward cards to pay for some or all of camp.

Contact the Diablo Day Camp Treasurer at: