Covid-19 Safety Plan
Safety is a cornerstone of Girl Scouting, and we will continue to put the health and safety of our campers and volunteers first throughout the summer camp season. We are regularly monitoring COVID-19 updates and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA), Girl Scouts of Northern California (GSnorCal), the American Camp Association (ACA), and state and local authorities, and will continue to adjust our guidelines and processes with the goal of providing a safe and fun outdoor experience.
Diablo Day Camp (DDC) usually serves over 2,000 participants each summer. In 2020, the DDC Committee formed a COVID-19 Task Force. The Task Force has been meeting regularly to discuss all aspects of camp and how to run sessions safely. This document was drafted and is continuing to be updated as a result of those discussions. The Task Force was guided by many resources, including publications and online information from the sources mentioned above.
This Diablo Day Camp COVID-19 Safety Plan provides detailed information to authorities and the day camp community that supports our ability to safely run camp. The Diablo Day Camp COVID-19 Safety Plan has been developed by a wide variety of camp volunteers with experience in medicine, archery and training.
All information presented in this resource is subject to change. Guidelines and requirements may be changed and/or added at a later time pending changes in recommendations from the CDC, GSUSA, ACA, and state and local authorities.
GSNorCal and DDC Contact Information
The DDC Administrator is the main COVID-19 liaison assigned to support health and wellness needs at the site. Our DDC Administrator is the point of contact with the Contra Costa County Public Health Department and Girl Scouts of Northern California.
Diablo Day Camp
Lynn Sanford, Administrator P.O. Box 803 Alamo, CA 94507 925-963-4951