Little Hills Ranch
Little Hills Ranch is adjacent to the Las Trampas regional park. It provides a spacious setting for group activities. There are paved walks over most of the site, and wooded hiking trails as well. The camper units are under trees with picnic tables and shared water access. The nearby restrooms are flush facilities. There is a large grassy meadow which can host several activities at once and a large inground swimming pool.
Unlike Twin Canyon, the camper program at Little Hills Ranch does not focus on cooking activities, but instead on exploring a variety of group activities. Activities are planned by the volunteer staff in that program unit. Camper units travel from one planned program activity to another experiencing a wide variety of age-appropriate games & crafts.
There are no cooking facilities to allow the units to prepare their own lunch so all campers and staff need to bring a bag lunch daily.
Typical Day | 9:00 | Sing songs in assembly area with Elves |
9:15 | Flag up ceremony |
9:30 | Unit – Take attendance, put on nametags |
10:00 | First activity |
1045 | Second activity – swimming |
11:30 | Lunch in unit area |
12:15 | Third activity – sports (e.g. volleyball) |
1:00 | Fouth activity – unit time (e.g. name game |
1:45 | Fifth activity – nature hike |
2:30 | Unit activity – snack and pack up backpacks |
3:00 | Closing assembly – Sing songs with Elves |
3:15 | Flag down ceremony |
3:30 | Dismissal. Wait for car-pool at parking lot |