Twin Canyon in Lafayette
- Mark your calendar! Registration for all Twin Canyon sessions opens November 15
- Get guaranteed placement and save $! Volunteers get priority in the lottery starting January 8
- All Twin Canyon sessions offer Archery (1st grade +), Swimming, Outdoor Cooking, Crafts and Nature programs.
- Located at Camp Twin Canyon, a Girl Scout property in the foothills of Lafayette, CA
- All Twin Canyon sessions run from 9:00 am until 3:45 pm Monday through Friday

Session 1:
June 9 - 13, 2025
It’s the lazy hazy crazy days of color. Explore the vibrant hues of crafts, archery, cooking, and swimming, along with a special cadette unit.
Directors: Bubba, Dragonfly, Cracker Jack

Session 2:
June 16 - 20, 2025
We love storytelling through song and dance. Hum favorite show tunes. Tap your toes throughout the canyon. Crafts, Nature, Swimming and Archery too- of course! We have a dedicated Cadette Unit. A Friday showcase includes unit skits!
Directors: Magpie, Gummy Bear, Plumeria

Session 3:
June 23 - 27, 2025
Let’s go down a rabbit hole of fantasy & magic. Make new friends, enjoy crafts, cooking, games, and swimming. You might even see some impossible things!
Directors: Melody, Honu, R2-D2
DDC will not offer a session during the july 4 week this year

Session 5:
July 7-11, 2025
Boots and Bling
Put on your cowgirl hat and bandana for a week of cooking on an open fire, swimming, crafts, archery, and STEAM activities. This fun filled action pack week will end with an all camp hoedown on Friday.
Directors: Tigger, Pinkie Pie

Session 6:
July 14-18, 2025
Dragons, Griffons and GODS, OH MY!
Enter the fantastical world of ancient tales, gods, goddesses and creatures of Mt. Twin Canyus. Shoot arrows, swim the pool, make fire and have fun while learning a little bit about mythology.
Directors: Bear, Tahoe, Q

Session 7:
July 21-25, 2025
Walking in Juliette's footsteps
Explore the lifelong adventures of Juliette Gordon Low! Her goal was to empower all scouts through new experiences, new skills, making and keeping new friends. “To be inspired is great, but to be an inspiration is an honor!” -Juliette Gordon Low
Directors: Koala, Doxie, Spunky
Little Hills in San Ramon
- Mark your calendar! Registration for the Little Hills session opens November 15
- Get guaranteed placement and save $! Volunteers get priority in the lottery starting January 8
- The Little Hills session offers Archery (3rd grade +), Water play and slides, Outdoor Cooking, Crafts and Nature programs
- Campers bring their own lunch each day
- Located at Little Hills, an East Bay Regional Park in the foothills of San Ramon, CA
- The Little Hills session runs from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Friday

Session LH:
June 23 – 27, 2025
Scouts, Where are you?
Zoinks! Gear up for a full week of clues and fun. The whole Mystery Gang is here. Use Mouseketools, write clues in our Handy Dandy Notebook, make new friends and try new things. Let’s be the best detectives in the world! Archery for 3rd grade and up.
Campers bring their own lunch each day. No nuts, please! 9:00 am – 3:30 pm daily.
Directors: Mama Bear, Mango & Friends