About DDC
Diablo Day Camp operates under Girl Scouts of Northern California. All of GSNorCal’s day camps are run by dedicated volunteers. GSNorCal’s volunteer-run camps offer girls enriching summer programs and quality camp experiences—just like council-run camps. Volunteer-run camps are all staffed by screened and trained volunteers.
The mission of Diablo Day Camp is to “build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place” while fostering a love of the outdoors. Diablo Day Camp offers opportunities for girls to explore their limits, expand their skills, make new friends, and appreciate the value of the people and the natural environment around them. Many of our former campers return as Elves and as adult volunteer staff.

For over 60 years, Diablo Day Camp has been an East Bay Girl Scout tradition. We have been delivering an outdoor experience for the community of young girls to make new friends, learn new skills, and become stronger, and more confident in their life outside of camp. Every year over 1000 girls attend our camp. We have families who have been attending together for over 30 years.
Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
*Members may substitute for the word God
in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.

Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong,
and responsible for what I say and do,
and to respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place,
and be a sister to every Girl Scout.
In 1954, local Girl Scouts used cookie money and generous donations to purchase 65 acres in Lafayette. Ownership of the site passed to Girl Scouts of San Francisco Bay Area Council (now Girl Scouts of Northern California) in the early 1960s and Camp Twin Canyon was born. Some acreage was sold to East Bay Regional Parks in 1977, leaving about 40 acres today.
For some years a horse program was available and the peacocks living on the ranch next to camp would frequently wander over to visit. Thus our logo was born.

Originally each local service unit ran a one- or two-week camp during the summer for their members. In 1972 under the leadership of Dorothy “Sand” Giboney, the Diablo Day Camp Committee was formed to combine the service units’ efforts and make camp more accessible to all. The program features outdoor cooking and traditional Girl Scout skills.
Due to the popularity of the program Diablo Day Camp expanded to rent Twin Canyon for the entire summer to offer different themed camp sessions, each one-week long. In 2002, DDC launched a satellite camp at Little Hills Ranch, in San Ramon.
When Dorothy stepped down as administrator in 2002, Carol “Firefly” Ashimine took over the reins of Diablo Day Camp. Firefly led the efforts to “Save Camp Twin Canyon” when the Girl Scout council proposed closing the camp in 2014. Happily, the task force’s hard work and generous donations from the community saved the site and Diablo Day Camp thrives today.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more help.

DDC Administrative Staff
Administrator — administrator@diablodaycamp.org
Registrar — registrar@diablodaycamp.org
Treasurer — treasurer@diablodaycamp.org
Elf Trainers — elftrainer@diablodaycamp.org
Adult Staff Trainers — stafftraining@diablodaycamp.org
Webmaster — webmaster@diablodaycamp.org
- Office
Diablo Day Camp
P.O. Box 803
Alamo, California 94507